History of the Isle of Mull

History of the Isle of mull.

The History of the Isle of Mull is long and varied.Mull and its islands have been continually inhabited since just after the Ice Age. C. 6500 – 3500 BC. Mesolithic hunter-gatherers lived in caves such as Livingston’s cave on Ulva. C. 4000 – 2000 BC.  Neolithic farmers people lived here leaving behind burial cairns and stone axes. C. 2500 – 600 BC.

History of the Isle of Mull

History of the Isle of Mull

Bronze age ‘Beaker’ people lived on Mull, their burial cairns, cists, standing stones, stone circles, and corded beaker pottery and knife blades record their existence. C. 600 BC – c. AD 400 Iron Age people built forts, brochs, duns, and crannogs, numerous defensive settlements on these islands.

The early Christian period began in the 5th Century, with 563 noted for the arrival from Ireland of St Columba.

Viking times started in 795 when Iona was first sacked, raids continuing for several centuries. Vikings eventually became settlers in the isles. The Middle Ages saw the construction of castles such as Moy and Duart, and chapels such as Pennygown. The clans were, Maclean, MacLaine, MacKinnon, Macquarie, and MacDonald. During the 17th to 19th centuries, clan chiefs and other lairds built ‘big’ houses, whilst the majority of islanders lived in tiny black houses in small townships, occupying shielings in the summer months.

History of the Isle of Mull

History of the Isle of Mull

In 1788 Tobermory was built by the British Fisheries Society, as a planned settlement. Over the centuries Mull’s population increased to over 10,000 in 1831 but first the Potato Famine and then the Clearances rapidly reduced this number. By the 20th Century much of the population had emigrated and there were more sheep on Mull than people.

History of the Isle of Mull

History of the Isle of Mull

Today Mull and its neighbouring islands have a population of nearly 3000. Farming, fishing and forestry used to be the economic mainstays of the island, but increasingly today, tourism is responsible for much of the island economy.

Many of the population are Macleans, MacLaines, MacKinnons, Macquarries and MacDonalds, descendants of Mull’s ancient clans and people from all over the world come to see where there ancestors came from, and I think most will agree its a wonderful place . Over the years Scots from almost every other clan have moved to Mull, as well as others, and so the population today is a mixture of true ‘Muileach’ and ‘incomers ’from all over the world who all agree that Mull!is a fantastic place to live and holiday. So if you want to part of the history of the Isle of Mull visit www.hartofmull.co.uk and start your holiday history.


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lomalle skotlantiin


Tervetuloa “Hart of Mull Self Catering Log Cabins” -sivuille.

Vuokraamme kahta hyvin varustettua hirsimökkiä Skotlannissa, Isle of
Mull’n rauhallisella ja upealla saarella. Molemmat mökit on valmistettu
Suomessa. Käytössä myös lisämaksusta uusi tynnyrisauna ja ”hot tub”.

lomalle skotlantiin

lomalle skotlantiin

Mökit sijaitsevat omalla tontilla hiljaisen kylätien varrella. Hart of
Mull’in mökkien ihanteellinen sijainti mahdollistaa helpon tutustumisen
saareen sekä sen luontoon. Saaren vaihteleva luonto on tunnettu
kauneudestaan ja villieläimistään, kuten merikotkista, hylkeistä,
saukoista, delfiineistä, valaista, tässä vain muutamia pitkältä listalta.

Lähin pieni kylä Salen on noin viiden minuutin kävelymatkan päässä. Salen
kylässä on lähin posti, hotelli, huoltoasema, kauppa ja pari ravintolaa.
Täältä näet myös silmiä hivelevän Morvernin ja Ardnamurchan niemimaan,
joka on osa Iso-Britannian läntisintä mannerrantaa.

Saarelle tulee autolautta, joka lähtee Obanista ja matka kestää noin 45
minuuttia. Autolautta tulee Craignure’en. Mökkimme löytyvät Craignuren ja
Tobermoryn puolesta välistä. Tobermory on saaren pääkeskus.

Sinulla on mahdollisuus tehdä opastettuja retkiä ympäri saarta patikoiden,
autolla tai veneellä. Saaren vaihteleva maasto on ihanteellinen
patikointiin vaikka koko perheelle.

lomalle skotlantiin

lomalle skotlantiin

Mullin saarelta voi helposti vierailla myös viereisellä Iona saarella,
jossa asukkaita on vain 125.  Siellä on myös vanha luostari, joka on ollut
vuosien ajan monen matkailijan kiinnostuksen kohde.


Yhteyden meihin saat puhelimella +44 1680 300 545 (englanniksi) tai
lähettämällä sähköpostia: hartofmull@btinternet.com    www.hartofmull.co.uk

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Hebrides Islands on the edge

 Hebrides Islands on the edge 

Hebrides Islands on the edge. BBC1 Scotland’s new series,  shown on Monday evenings in May 2013 at 9 pm. The first one was shown on Monday 6th May and  was fascinating and left me wishing the week away so I could see program 2. The second program in the series will be on  Monday 13th May and this one will have the Isle of Mull in all its glory.

Hebrides Islands on the edge

Hebrides Islands on the edge

The cast of this fantastic program are all the wild animals the Hebrides Islands on the edge have to offer. The film took some 3 years to make by Maramedia with otter films. In their words Hebrides Islands on the edge-“Scotland’s Hebrides are Europe’s final frontier against the wild and unpredictable Atlantic ocean.” Ewan McGregor Narrates the series and he said “its one of the most beautiful films I have seen.” Executive producer Nigel Pope along with cameraman John Aitchison and underwater specialist Doug Anderson have done a fantastic job showing the wild animals and their struggle  at times to survive some harsh conditions, But survive they do. Some of the animals shown on the series are Otters,Eagles,deer,Basking Sharks and whales all in their natural environment, and can be seen on or around the Island of Mull most times of the year. Isle of Mull makes for an ideal location for a relaxing holiday and a wild life paradise with fantastic scenery to boot.Dates for the showings are:-

6th May,13th May,20th May and 27th May all at 9 pm on BBC1 Scotland and if after watching you would like to visit Mull for your self please have a look at our accommodation www.hartofmull.co.uk 

Hart of Mull Cabin Two

Hebrides Islands on the edge

After you have seen the programs please come back and leave us a comment below on what you thought. Many thanks for reading Tim and Diane Mellor at Hart of Mull Self Catering Log Cabins.

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Isle of Mull Driest in UK

 Isle of Mull Driest in UK 

Isle of Mull Driest in UK. The words I did not expect in April,We can have long dry spells but not normally over winter.Our winter here on Mull Has been fantastic in my eyes cold frosty and bright for the most,we have had a little amount of snow flurry’s but nothing settling apart from on the mountain tops.The daffodils started to poke their heads above ground but as the cold continued the just kept tight closed and normally by now we have blossoms on the trees and buds of leaves are starting to open but when i look out side we still have the bare trees but knowing nature it will not take long to catch back up once the air starts to warm up.Isle of Mull Driest in UK are words most people will think are a joke because they once came for a week and it rained so they think it must be like that all the time, But it is not and if its global warming or not the weather on Mull over the past few years seem to be getting dryer and colder over the winter.

Isle of Mull Driest in UK

Isle of Mull Driest in UK

If you want to check out what i say http://www.pressandjournal.co.uk/Article.aspx/3196140 . When you drive around the Island all you see at first glance is dry grass but if you look closer you will still find wild life getting on with it, birds are still singing in a morning enjoying the winter sun.My chickens are already dust bathing a sight normally for  June and July and strange when I have to go and top up their water or break the ice off it for them.

Isle of Mull Driest in UK

fantastic sun sets on Isle of Mull

With the clear sky’s and cold nights we have been having some fantastic sun sets and fantastic views of the aurora this year. We are very proud of the fantastic Isle of Mull and we are so lucky to be living here and we have enjoyed the winter and the fact the we have the head lines, Isle of Mull Driest in UK. We will be glad when we get a little rain as we do not want any more hill fires and we love the fact we have such fantastic forests Hills and pastures and we love how green

Isle of Mull Driest in UK

Isle of Mull Driest in UK

the Island normally is and all the wild life that need water as well as the people here of course.

Isle of Mull Driest in UK

Isle of Mull Driest in UK

So let it rain for a little while evenings only of course, as we love the island in all its glory not only when its called Isle of Mull Driest in UK. If you would like to come and see The Island for you self please have a look at our web Site www.hartofmull.co.uk  or click on the links above. Many thanks for reading my blog hope you enjoyed it. Diane and Tim Mellor

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Hill fire on Isle of Mull

 Hill Fire on Isle of Mull 

Hill Fire on the Isle of Mull. It has been so Dry on the Isle of Mull Over this winter that on April 8th 2013 as I was so shocked to see lots of Smoke out the front of My house at around 1 pm and to find out that there was an Hill fire some 2 miles wide over the other side of the hill from Glenforsa estate it was blown some distance and went on for a long number of hours and was still burning at 7 pm  As we woke on the 9th April we can see no more smoke so hopefully the fire is out and no one was hurt,And a big thank you goes to all the fire men and women on the isle of Mull and Lochaline for all their hard work.

As the long dry spell here on the Isle of Mull Carries on we have to remember not to leave fires unattended or leave bottles or cans behind that could start a fire.To all those that live or holiday on this Fantastic Island look after it www.hartofmull.co.uk

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Holiday bookings for 2014


 Holiday bookings for 2014 

We are now taking Holiday bookings for 2014 . We are keeping the prices the same as this year for bookings taken before September 2013 for the 2014 holiday season so please book early to get your saving.We normally ask for £100 booking deposit but if your bookings for 2014 holidays before September 2013 we can take £50 now and £50 in January 2014 and the balance 6 weeks before the holiday.Cabin 1 will have sole use of the barrel hot tub and Barrel Sauna

bookings taken for 2

We are also taking bookings for 2014 Holidays in our Camping Cabin

Hart of Mull Sauna Cabin

bookings for 2014 Holidays

Please have a look at the rest of our web page and let us know what you think. We are always glad of feed back www.hartofmull.co.uk We still have availability for 2013  so please get in contact Many thanks Tim and Diane

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Ferries to the Isle of Mull

 Ferries to the Isle of Mull 

Your Holiday dates are booked and you have decided to come and visit the Isle of Mull. What do you do now,The way I would do is first check for availability hopefully with www.hartofmull.co.uk and then decide what ferry route you are going to arrive on.

Here are the choices:- Ferries to the Isle of Mull

1, Oban to Craignure, The MV Isle of Mull, This is the largest of the  Ferry’s to the Isle of Mull some 90 meters in length and was launched 1987 by Princess Alexandra. MV Isle of Mull can take up to 951 passengers and 70 cars and has a speed of up to 15 knots. The Isle of Mull ferry from Oban takes 45 minutes to make the crossing to Craignure.While on board you have a choice of facilities including the Mariners cafeteria where you can buy reasonably priced meals,salads, breakfast,lunches and evening meals or just a coffee and cake or sandwich.also on board there is the Still Bar,coffee cabin,Shop and Game on.You have a choice of lounges and reclining chairs or just sit out side and enjoy the fantastic view as you leave Oban and arrive on Isle of Mull at Craignure and all in between.We have always found all staff on board helpful  making your holiday start with a good feel.MV Isle of Mull Onboard Guide. You are best booking this ferry as it can get booked up on the most popular crossing times and you have to arrive 30 minutes before departure if you are taking your car on board and 10 minutes before departure as a foot passenger.

2.Lochaline-Fishnish,The MV LochFyne This is a much smaller  54 meters and carries up to 200 passengers and 36 cars with a speed of 9 knots.  It is a much cheaper Ferry and has no cafe and facilities as the Isle of Mull ferry but the crossing is only 15 minutes. You have a choice of sitting in your car,sitting in a lounge area or going to the upper deck to admire the fantastic scenery all around.When we leave the island with the car we always use this ferry,We find it an advantage as you do not need to book this ferry and do not need to arrive 30 minutes before departure just drive on and go.Although not many staff on this ferry they are always friendly and helpful as are the ones on the Corren ferry.

Ferries to the isle of Mull

Ferries to the isle of Mull


Traveling to Isle of Mull on The Lochaline -Fishnish ferry does entail traveling on two ferry’s as you have to come on the Corren ferry Via  Ardgour – Nether Lochaber this is only a five minute crossing time tables can be found at www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/ferry-timetables and the drive between the two ferry’s has some fantastic views and I think ads some enjoyment to your holiday.


Ferry's to the Isle of Mull

Ferries to the Isle of Mull

3, Kilchoan-Tobermory The MV Loch Linnhe is again a smaller ferry at 35 meters it can carry 200 passengers and 12 cars and do 9 Knots. The MV Loch Linnhe take around 35 minutes to travel from Kilchoan to Tobermory.

Ferry's to the Isle of Mull

Ferries to the Isle of Mull

This ferry is very similar to the Lochaline ferry with it facilities and they ask that you are ready for departure 10 minutes before departure.

We  Here at www.hartofmull.co.uk  Hope that you have found this information of use. If you need time tables for all the above please have a look at www.calmac.co.uk for the 3 main routes and www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/ferry-timetables for the Corren ferry.If you are needing accommodation please have a look at the rest of our site. Please leave a comment below or contact us for more information via or contacts form opposite . Many thanks Tim and Diane.

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A Boat trip from the Isle of Mull

A boat trip from the isle of Mull and a camera and a fantastic day

A Boat trip from the Isle of Mull. Want to see the beauty of the island from the sea but also to see the wild life in the sea and the sea eagles fishing for there supper.One of the best boat trips from Mull is Mull Charters  www.mullcharters.com Every one we have spoken to that has been on the trip say it is well worth a go.Many of our guests have booked to go out on a boat before they even get to mull. I think its probably best to go in your first few days and then you can go back to the areas you like best by foot or car and sit by the coast and wait for the wild life to entertain you.

a boat trip from the isle of mull

Photo taken from a boat trip from the isle of mull


They also run fishing trips and have done many a trip that has been recorded for TV programs.

Plenty of wild life to be seen

Plenty of wild life to be seen

Please contact them with your requirements  through there web page above or e-mail us with your holiday requirements and any information you want and we will do our best to help you have the best holiday ever with fantastic memories. www.hartofmull.co.uk

If you would like information on any other wild life or walking trips please feel free to contact us by e-mail phone or by the contact form opposite or the leave your comments below and we will do our best to help. you can also follow us on twitter @hartofmullcabin or like us on www.facebook.com/hartofmulllogcabins

 A boat trip from the Isle of Mull 
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Visitor book comments for our self catering accommodation

Visitor book comments for our self catering accommodation can tell you a lot. The visitor book can tell you if the visitors before you had a good time,What they found to do around about the Island, how they found our accommodation,and any trips and restaurants they liked. our visitor book comments for our self catering accommodation  can be read while you are here on your holiday.  The comments about trips etc are helpful while you are  here planing what you are going to do on your holiday.But I think it would also be a help for you to see them before you come as it may help if you know what others think of Hart of Mull’s accommodation. So here are a few for you to read.

Visitor book comments for our self catering log cabins

Cabin 1

Thank you for a warm welcome-its been a privilege to be the first to stay in this lovely chalet. it’s very comfortable and well equipped-making us feel right at home.

Thank you for letting us stay in this sensational chalet,The weather has been magnificent we have truly  enjoyed our stay and our adventures around the mighty Mull.

Many thanks for a very comfortable stay in your cozy cabin

Peaceful,relaxing break-just what we needed.thanks

very comfortable cabin and a warm welcome Mull is a beautiful island with lots to do and see and we where particularly impressed with the wildlife. A holiday to remember

Sun rise

I have enjoyed a wonderful stay here. very relaxed.A beautiful part of the world lovely chalet-don’t want to leave

The cabin was excellent it was so well equipped and comfortable

Very convenient for touring mull

Perfect location special tips from the Mellor family made our stay memorable

cabin 2

Mull has indeed been a refreshing break from city life. we have been blown away by the variety of landscapes and wildlife to be seen. We have found the lodge to be warm and comfortable with all the facilities we needed.

lovely wee cabin which was always wonderful to come home to after exploring beautiful Mull.


The cabin was beyond my expectations. So comfortable and warm everything needed is included and everything is nice and clean too. I have had such a great adventure this holiday, with the hills,sea, lochs,rivers,woodland… beautiful!!Thanks for giving us such a great base for our adventures.

Wonderful stay on Mull cottage is lovely and we felt comfortable right away. the island has everything, ocean sandy and rocky beaches,mountains and special flora and fauna.High light was definatly seeing orcas

Wonderful time clement weather perfect accommodation lovely place wildlife:61 bird species seen,deer,otters,dolphins. can’t wait to come back.

There are plenty more Visitor book comments for our self catering accommodation. But i think there is enough to be going on with. Please feel free to leave us a comment below if you have been to Hart of Mull  or go to our face book page www.facebook.com/hartofmulllogcabins and share your photos and comments. Or if you are thinking of  a holiday please contact us.Many thanks for your time. Tim and Diane Mellor Hart of Mull Self Catering log cabins.




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Health Benefits of a Sauna

Health Benefits of a Sauna.1,It relieves stress, medical studies show stress in our lives affect our health and the vast majority of illness is stress related.Sauna uses cite stress reduction as the number 1 benefit of sauna use. The heat of the sauna relaxes the body, improves circulation and stimulates the release of endorphin’s-the body’s natural feel good chemical.The second of the Health Benefits of a Sauna, with the release of endorphin’s- which can have a mild tranquilizing effect and the ability to minimize pain in the muscles and joints and relaxing the whole body.Your body temperature rises from the heat of the Sauna, your blood vessels dilate therefore increasing blood circulation and helping with high blood pressure.The increased blood flow speeds up the body’s natural healing process, speeding up the healing of minor cuts and bruises.Another one of the health benefits of a Sauna it is said to relax muscles by eliminating lactic acid and toxins built up while exercising. Detoxifying our bodies makes us feel better.  By going in a sauna and the process of a deep sweat can help reduce levels of lead,copper,zinc,nickel,mercury which are all toxins commonly absorbed just from our daily environment. There are  plenty of books telling us to detoxify our bodies and many doctors will agree a sauna is one of the best way of detoxifying.A deep sweat also cleanses the skin and rids dead skin cells leaving your skin soft.It will not cure acne but it does help due to the deep cleansing it provides. Research has found that nutrients and minerals in sweat are essential to maintain the collagen structure of the skin, and if the collagen in our skin is maintained we have less wrinkles and sags.So lets look at another one of the Health Benefits of a Sauna.It can induce a deeper sleep this is due to the raise and fall of temperature and the slow relaxing decline of  endorphin’s.Sauna’s can also improve cardiovascular performance as your body heats up your heart rate can go from 60-70 beats per minute to 110-120 beats per minute and can often sink below normal after the cooling off stage. So with regular saunas we can train our heart muscles and improve the heart rate/cardiac output and help the body’s regulatory system.With short bursts of heat then cool then heat and cool etc the heart benefits from the change in beats as it does in moderate exercise.So to the last couple of health benefits of a sauna. they can fight illness. I know if i have a cold or blocked nose I have a sauna with eucalyptus oil  in the water for the steam and it clears the pain of sinus congestion.The medical reason for your body fighting illness is as you heat up in the sauna your body makes white blood cells more rapidly, which in turn helps to fight illness and kill infections.So to finish there are good medical reasons to have a sauna and they will all make you feel better,or is it that for the time you enter the heat and relaxing atmosphere of the sauna and unwind and just spend some time thinking and doing nothing.What ever your reason for having a sauna its a good reason.So why not book you log fired sauna break with us at www.hartofmull.co.uk And find out the Health Benefits of  a Sauna for your self. Please take a look at our accommodation.Thank you for reading our Health Benefits of a Sauna. Tim and Diane Mellor.Hart of Mull Self Catering Log Cabins 

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